2017 Mercedes E300 Owner's Manual

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2017 Mercedes E300 Owner's Manual

The 2017 Mercedes-Benz E-Class has something old, something new, something borrowed, and nothing blue, so it’s clearly not suitable for a trip to a traditional English wedding. The big sensation is the completely redesigned E-Class sedan and station wagon. These new models borrow heavily from the luxury flagship S-Class, which has yielded terrific results in the form of positive feedback from car enthusiasts. In addition to sleek interior design and impeccable materials, the new car also has all the modern, advanced safety features that keep Mercedes at the top of its game.
The central screen of the infotainment system extends from the dashboard, which can be equipped with virtual gauges instead of analog ones. As in the S-Class, the interior of this model uses excellent materials and demonstrates the impeccable craftsmanship of the designers. The amount of space in the cabin is the same as most other competitors in this class.

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