1995 Mercedes Benz Sprinter Owner's Manual

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1995 Mercedes Benz Sprinter Owner's Manual On this page you can view the 1995 Mercedes Benz Sprinter owner's manual in full screen or download it on your PC or smartphone.

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1995 Mercedes Benz Sprinter is a range of light vehicles from the German concern Mersedes - Benz . The manufacturer presented a wide range of cars that differ in body length, height and type of rear axle wheels (single or dual). The maximum load capacity is 3350 kg. Among the modifications are presented as minibuses, vans, and specialized cars. In 2022, Mersedes - Benz offered an updated car that can be used for both passenger and cargo transportation. The 1995 Mercedes Benz Sprinter features upgraded transmission, new sliding door technology. The new Sprinter has improved comfort levels, improved ergonomics and minimized fuel costs. For buyers, the only diesel power unit with 4 cylinders OM 654 with a capacity of 114, 150, 170, 190 hp is offered. with ., depending on the type of body and drive. The engine of 1995 Mercedes Benz Sprinter is mated to a 9-speed automatic transmission or a 6-speed manual transmission. New double sliding door with Speed system Delivery Door , which provides touch control from the front passenger side. An innovative solution in 1995 Mercedes Benz Sprinter will save time as much as possible, ensure comfortable delivery, loading and unloading of goods.

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